Tag: Holidays

A Fun Friday: Winter Pep Rally and Holiday Celebration

By Matilda Kreider Our last full week before winter break ended with a fun-filled sendoff this Friday. In the morning, winter sports teams entertained the crowd with skits and dances. The girls indoor track team started off with a dance and some candy thrown to the crowd, which was well-received. The boys team followed with an elaborate reenactment of a Star Wars battle – very appropriate on

A Glimpse into the Past: Veteran’s Day

By Jenna Grande Veteran’s Day is commonly overlooked for its historical significance and, unfortunately, is considered just another day off for many students. One of the reasons why students don’t take the time to recognize the meaning behind this holiday is because they don’t know its background. On November 11, 1918, it was official that The Great War (or World War One) came to an