Tag: branford high

Degoursey (Noah) and Kirby Named 2015 Snowco King and Queen

By Matilda Kreider This year’s race for Snow-coming royalty included a not-so-fierce battle between brothers for the title of king and a near-sweep by the cross country team for the title of queen. Members of the senior class were nominated by their senior classmates during advisory last week; the four boys and four girls with the most votes became princes and princesses. The Snowco court consisted of

More Than Just English Extra Credit: Why You Should See “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

By Cara Delucia As you may or may not know, a small section of the BHS Performing Arts department will be putting on William Shakespeare’s classic comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” this week. This is not to be confused with the department’s spring musical, a separate production that is put on around the end of March, which I encourage you all to see as well. As someone who