Category: Uncategorized

11 People to Think About on MLK, Jr. Day

From the Editor In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., and only a few weeks away from Black History Month, our first post of the year is about modern black men and women whose names you should know. Some stood side by side with MLK, Jr., while others are fighting for equality today. Some dedicated their lives to civil rights, some made memorable stands in

Board of Education Evaluates Fiscal Budget

  By Samantha Bailey-Loomis Superintendent  Hamlet Hernandez unveiled his proposed $51.8 million budget to the Board of Education last week, focusing on “systemic improvement by reallocating resources.” Moving quickly into the New Year, much like year’s past, the Board of Education holds its budget meetings to review, reflect, and reform Branford’s public schools, learning and evaluation strategies, and other programs held accountable by the Board.


by Vinny Roca This past Wednesday, September 12th, was Back to School Night here at Branford high school. Parents had the chance to not only see and walk the long journeys their student takes in between classes, but also to see who is actually teaching their students. The night was set up to foster a connection between the parents and the teachers to ensure that the parents

What is Edmodo?

by Kelly Du Forget Twitter, most teachers are now using the website Edmodo to connect with students. Edmodo offers a place for teachers to write reminders or notes about anything they might have forgotten to mention in class. They can share sites, documents, and slideshows to provide students more resources for additional notes, which are especially useful for AP classes. The website even provides a

Never Forget

by Nina Mariotti Today, just like every September 11th since 2001, America shares a sense of grief, sadness and unity. The oldest students currently at BHS were only about 6 or 7 years old on that tragic day 11 years ago when two planes hit the twin towers and shook the entire nation. But despite the fact that some of us were too young to

Students warned of dangers of reckless driving

By Jackie Salg Recently, Branford High School students heard about the dangers of reckless driving firsthand. On Wednesday, April 23, North Branford resident Lynn Riordan talked to an auditorium full of juniors and seniors at Branford High School, where she shared her touching story about the death of her teenaged son, Matt. The event was organized in advance of the school’s prom, which will take place May 25 at the Aqua Turf

Kelly’s Korner: Advertising Claims Follow Up

by Kelly Du With so many products out there being advertised in the world, it’s difficult to believe one claim over another. One way companies create an illusion of superiority is by using the words “better” and “best.” They may seem similar, but in terms of advertising claims, they’re quite different.  “Best” means “equal to.” Any product that is advertised as being the best just

Kelly’s Korner: Advertising Claims

by Kelly Du Everywhere we go, we are inundated with advertising. They appear in commercials, magazines and newspapers, along the sides of websites, billboards, etc. Any open space or place is good enough for advertisers. The most direct and easily noticeable thing used in advertising is the claims. Some are misleading lies while others are honest statements. But most fit into the category of “neither

Kelly’s Korner: Statistics Follow Up

by Kelly Du Statistics that we see and hear about in the news are influenced by how an experiment or survey is conducted. In one example, people’s egos distorted the results of a poll about television viewing. Two groups were given scales to choose how much television they watched a day. The first group had a scale that started at less than thirty minutes and