Connecticut Joins Massachusetts in Legalizing Gay Marriage

by Merissa Blitz Massachusetts was the only state that allowed gay marriage until October 10, 2008, when the Connecticut Supreme Court came to the conclusion to allow same-sex couples to be married rather than just being joined by a civil union law. This past Wednesday, November 12, 2008, Hartford started to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. From October 2005 to July 2008,

The Dreaded Senior Ex

By Jenna Grande As if senior year wasn’t stressful enough. With college applications, tough classes, and extra curricular activities like sports and clubs, fulfilling graduation requirements adds another necessity to do. One of these requirements is creating and following through with a senior project, or, as many know it, senior ex. For those freshman or new students who don’t know what it is, senior exhibition

A Glimpse into the Past: Veteran’s Day

By Jenna Grande Veteran’s Day is commonly overlooked for its historical significance and, unfortunately, is considered just another day off for many students. One of the reasons why students don’t take the time to recognize the meaning behind this holiday is because they don’t know its background. On November 11, 1918, it was official that The Great War (or World War One) came to an

Peace Jammers Go to the U.N.

By Sean Smith Peace Jam Field Trip to the U.N. The peace loving school club Peace Jam ventured to New York City a month ago to visit the United Nations. There they heard the “messengers of peace” speak about the various troubles around the world. Some of the guest speakers included Jane Goodall, actor Michael Douglas, and author of a series of moving novels about

Can’t Get to School on Time, Here’s Why.

by Shannon Thomas This school year, the amount of traffic in the morning has increased and has required the administrators to ask the Branford Police Department to help with the situation. Students and teachers have all seen the increase in traffic from how it’s been in previous years. The reasons for it could be that more students are driving in the mornings and being dropped

Student Wins Writing Award

By Madeline Alden Cole Freeman, a senior here at BHS, was recently awarded a prestigious national writing award. He was one of 525 high school seniors across the country to win the award. Only 10 students from Connecticut were honored by the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing in 2007. In all, 1,789 students were nominated. To even be considered for

French Teacher Goes To Morocco

By Madeline Alden Ms. Casanova has been honored to participate in a teacher exchange program that involves traveling to Morocco. She plans on traveling to Morocco with five other French teachers who she will meet up with on October 29 in Washington D.C. For six weeks, Casanova will be staying in Casablanca while working alongside an English teacher at the Mohammad VI High School. She

New Security

  A new security system at Branford High School has been implemented this school year is causing concerns to students of all grades, especially upperclassmen. The issue is in regards to not having access outside.  After 8:30 AM, all doors leading outside are to be locked.  This means students or visitors must be buzzed in at the front entrance after 8:30 until the end of the day.  This will make

The Truth About Teenage Driving

by Merissa Blitz       Now that we’re all in highschool, driving to school, and to other places, has become more common. Friends drive each other to school, to afterschool activities, to parties, and much more. However, laws passed on August 1st have made these pastimes a little harder to partake in. To be eligible for a driver’s license, a teen that has recieved a permit after August 1, 2008 has to complete