‘Lost the moment’, Fate of the Fall Pep Rally

By Owen Lentner Some disapointing news hit BHS athletes and students last week when the annual fall pep rally was canceled. I had the opportunity to speak with Michael Woods, the district athletic director, for insight on why the event was canceled. Additionally, Mr. Woods has been in discussions with Assistant Principal Joe Briganti and other students about planning an event before Homecoming, which is

27-12, Hornets: Football brings home a win

By Owen Lentner Editor’s Note: Buzz Reporter Owen Lentner traveled with the Branford High School football team to its away game at Harding High School last Friday and reported on the Hornets’ first win of the season. During the hour and a half ride to Bridgeport’s Harding High School, there wasn’t a word spoken on the bus. The team was focused and ready to bring

Student Mural Fills a ‘Blank Canvas’ in B-wing

By Jenna DeFrancesco The blank walls of any building hold memories special to everyone who passes by. At Branford High School, senior Claire Barnett is leaving her mark on one of those walls – literally. For the last several weeks, she has been painting a large mural on a previously plain wall, an image depicting what she says is “structured to be a visual escape.”

Lip Sync Contest Returns After Two Year Absence

By Leila Verzella & Ms. Lucibello As the school year comes to a close, it’s important to celebrate all that has been accomplished this year. In this spirit of celebrating our community, the Interact Club is holding what promises to be a fun, relaxing night that will kick off the beginning of summer with a lot of laughs. Interact, a student version of Rotary, is a