Category: Local News

BHS Veteran’s Day Ceremony 2013

By: Sam Bailey-Loomis, Editor Today, Branford High School held its annual Veteran’s Day celebration, honoring more than 30 local veterans. The event was organized by the school’s Horizons Program, and has been an anticipated event recurring annually for 14 years since 1999. Veterans from World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Korean War were all present. After second period, students from all grades gathered together

BHS Gearing Up for Veterans Day

By Kyle Kenney November 11th has been more than just a typical school day at BHS, it is a day that the school community takes to honor and remember all of the veterans who have served our nation. For the last five or so years, the BHS community has made it a priority to spend Veterans day learning the stories and tales from the local

From the Editor: Your Vote Counts, Only if you Make it Count

By: Sam Bailey-Loomis, Editor A few weeks ago, some friends and I decided we wanted to stop by a certain political party headquarters to get some lawn signs to support our favored candidate. Whilst we were there, we asked some party official if they would like some help from us on election day. The official gladly accepted our help, and assigned us all to different

Are we in Branford…or In the Heights?

By Alexandra Augustak It is that time of year again, when Branford High School eagerly awaits the opening of the always spectacular Spring Musical. This year, In the Heights was chosen to be preformed. “It is much more modern,” says co-director Ms. C when comparing this year’s musical to the ones of the past, like last year’s Aida being set in ancient Egypt. The musical

Is Pro-Life Club Cause for Concern?

By Marisa Kaplita Editor-In-Chief Two different clubs have emerged at BHS in the past month; one I have heard almost nothing about and one that I can’t stop hearing about. The knitting club has already had several meetings and they have plans to knit things to sell to raise money for students who can’t afford to take SATs.  Personally I think that these are a

How to Make the Most of this Blizzard

by Marisa Kaplita Editor-In-Chief Make the most of this day off. This day is a gift so don’t spend it all day on the couch. Set your alarm clock early so you don’t spend the whole day asleep or in that awkward half asleep mood.  Do a quick workout by watching videos on YouTube because you won’t be able to leave for the gym, and

Board of Education Evaluates Fiscal Budget

  By Samantha Bailey-Loomis Superintendent  Hamlet Hernandez unveiled his proposed $51.8 million budget to the Board of Education last week, focusing on “systemic improvement by reallocating resources.” Moving quickly into the New Year, much like year’s past, the Board of Education holds its budget meetings to review, reflect, and reform Branford’s public schools, learning and evaluation strategies, and other programs held accountable by the Board.

The School Day, Even Longer

Several states will participate in a new federal program to lengthen the school day, according to a federal announcement last week. New York is one of the five states participating in this program along with: Colorado, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and yes, Connecticut. The United States Department of Education is working with the National Center on Time and Learning to gain the support of states all around

BHS Community Still Recovering from Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

By BranfordBuzz staff Students and families of the Branford High School community are struggling to recover from Hurricane Sandy, and time is running out as the next threatening storm approaches. Many homes and businesses lost power during the hurricane, including Big Y, and Caron’s Corner. Due to prolonged outages, freezers and refrigerators were not able to keep cool, causing many products to be thrown away. Kaylee Mahon,

Order in the AUD: Appellate Court visits BHS

By Samantha Bailey-Loomis Students at Branford High School recently got a taste of the Connecticut Appellate court. Three judges: F. Herbert Gruendel (former BHS principal), Robert E. Beach, and Richard A. Robinson heard two cases- one which was a civil case and the other, a criminal case. The cases were held in the school auditorium last week. The first case, Robin Mulcahy v. Gary E. Hartell, was