Category: Lifestyles

Buzz Feature: Valentine’s Day, More than just a Heartfelt Gesture

Remember when Valentine’s Day was so simple? Decorate a cactus. Hand them out to your 4th grade class. Something like that.

In her latest feature article in The Buzz, @caitlentner wonders if such simpler things – you know, like decorating a cactus – have been lost in an overly commercialized holiday that prioritizes grand gestures too much.

What Is The Greatest Christmas Movie Of All Time?

By Carmella Lippolis Editor’s Note: this is the second in a series in The Branford Buzz on holiday movies. Yesterday, we examined why holiday movies are such an important part of the season. Elf, The Polar Express, Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone… Which is the greatest Christmas movie of all time? The Branford Buzz has grappled with this question before. It’s a pretty simple

Why Are Holiday Movies A Must?

By Lasang Subba What’s the best way to get into the holiday mood? Holiday movies of course! They are entertaining, filled with the holiday spirit, inclusive to everyone with its broad genres, and not to mention, a tradition for many. Some popular genres of holiday movies are romance comedies, horror, action and comedy. It is scientifically proven by research universities that these movies help reduce

Is School Spirit In “The Gray” at BHS?

The state of Branford High School spirit – whether it has improved or worsened – has students and teachers asking what has changed this year as we returned to a new sense of normalcy. 

There are many different perspectives on what school spirit is and some define it as school wide participation and spirit in events. Some say there is great school spirit.

But some believe that the school spirit is less than what it has been before.

Paws For A Cause Brings Smiles to BHS Students

By Angie Cox and Gabby Darling  To give students at Branford High School additional support and a break from the stress of school, Officer Rich Simons recently brought his dog, Heidi, an emotional support dog, to the school as part of the Paws With A Cause program. Simons and Heidi have done this program with area schools since 2020, and have started paying frequent visits

What is a Trivia Fundraiser to Benefit BHS?

By Sam Harwin It’s been a long and tough pandemic these past few years. So it’s time to get out of the house and participate in the Home Restaurant free trivia night on Tuesday, February 28. The night is being organized by Branford High School’s Junior and Sophomore classes. Proceeds from the night will raise money in order to help improve the school. Everyone is