More Than Just English Extra Credit: Why You Should See “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

By Cara Delucia As you may or may not know, a small section of the BHS Performing Arts department will be putting on William Shakespeare’s classic comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” this week. This is not to be confused with the department’s spring musical, a separate production that is put on around the end of March, which I encourage you all to see as well. As someone who

Op-Ed: “Snowcoming” 2015: Moving Beyond Sexism in Sadie Hawkins

By Claira Janover Let’s talk Homecoming. This year’s third annual Sadie Hawkins’s “Girls Ask Guys” themed homecoming, or “Snowcoming” is set for December 11. This Sadie Hawkins’s themed dance has gained popularity thanks to Student Council, which began the tradition with the first Sadie’s homecoming in 2013. It’s also popular because it’s been a way for girls to turn upside down the gender-specific tradition of boys asking girls.

Dropping SBA Test in Favor of SAT is the Right Answer

By Matilda Kreider For those juniors who had been dreading taking the state’s new Smarter Balance Assessment (SBA), Governor Dannel Malloy brought some good news recently: the state dropped SBA and plans instead to use the SAT as an evaluative test. Perhaps most exciting is that the SAT will be free for all Connecticut juniors. This change will benefit Connecticut students by reducing the amount

Opinion: BHS Should Treat E-Cigs as Tobacco

By Shilpa Rajbahak The trend of smoking cigarettes is back with a new look. It’s not that regular old cigarette that releases smoke or needs to be lit up anymore. With growing electronics in this era of technology, even cigarettes have caught up. Like most other electronics, the use of e-cigarettes or “e-cig” has grown in the United State. “The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association

From the Editor: Your Vote Counts, Only if you Make it Count

By: Sam Bailey-Loomis, Editor A few weeks ago, some friends and I decided we wanted to stop by a certain political party headquarters to get some lawn signs to support our favored candidate. Whilst we were there, we asked some party official if they would like some help from us on election day. The official gladly accepted our help, and assigned us all to different

Is Pro-Life Club Cause for Concern?

By Marisa Kaplita Editor-In-Chief Two different clubs have emerged at BHS in the past month; one I have heard almost nothing about and one that I can’t stop hearing about. The knitting club has already had several meetings and they have plans to knit things to sell to raise money for students who can’t afford to take SATs.  Personally I think that these are a

Do It for the Chairs

BRANFORD BUZZ EDITORIAL By Marisa Kaplita Editor-in-chief We have new chairs in the media center. I do not know why the administration trusted us with these oh-so-comfy seats, but I ask this one favor of the entire student body; PLEASE DON’T DESTROY THEM.  I like being able to do my work whilst in a chair that is not made of hard plastic, and I’m sure

Food for Thought

by Marisa Kaplita Editor-In- Chief From food drives to turkey walls to delivering holiday meals, Branford High School takes its Thanksgiving  very seriously.  Everyone from students to faculty was eager to help out the town to make sure every Branford family has a great thanksgiving day.  No one should go hungry on Thanksgiving and the Branford Food Pantry along with a little help from the