Author: Branford Buzz

Paws For A Cause Brings Smiles to BHS Students

By Angie Cox and Gabby Darling  To give students at Branford High School additional support and a break from the stress of school, Officer Rich Simons recently brought his dog, Heidi, an emotional support dog, to the school as part of the Paws With A Cause program. Simons and Heidi have done this program with area schools since 2020, and have started paying frequent visits

Newest Math Teacher Excited To Join BHS

By Jarlenys Chanci Florez and Belen Acevedo Ashley Jones, the newest teacher at BHS, currently works with 9th and 10th graders in the math department. Jones is a mid-year addition to the BHS faculty and there is a lot to know about her.  Jones has been teaching math for over fifteen years. At the beginning of her career, she taught in smaller K-8 schools in

Students Face New Attendance Check In

By Gianna Piscitelli and Adrianna Barretta  Branford High School has recently implemented a new attendance check-in at the front office which has caught the attention of tardy students who now have to scan a student identification barcode to enter the building. The new scanner system was implemented a few weeks ago. This new process of checking in with attendance when coming in late to school

BHS Starts Bathroom Pass Policy to Reduce Student ‘Roaming’

By Scout Engstrom and Paige Johnson Branford High School implemented a new bathroom/hall pass policy this month to minimize roaming and congregating in the halls and bathroom. However, this has caused some controversy among students and teachers.  Principal Lee Panagoulias said it was not solely up to him to decide to implement the hall pass system, but it came from the BHS leadership team, which

Career and Pathways Coordinator Tina Valaourus' job is to help students find their path after graduation.

Valaourus Helps Students with Post-Secondary Plans in New Role

By Taylor Tracy From owning four kickboxing gyms to heading Branford High School’s career and pathways program, Tina Valaouras knows what it takes for students to succeed in their after high school plans, whether it’s jobs, internships, college visits and so much more. Valaouras helps set up college visits as well as career visits through Naviance to help students get a better insight into what they

BHS Alum Discusses Dream Job: ‘One big competition every day’

By Gianna Piscitelli From the small town of Branford to New York City, Branford High graduate Kelly Laske, 29, has lots to share about her journey of becoming the social media manager at Page Six at the NY Post.  Laske talked to the BHS journalism students last week in class to help them better understand the true world of journalism, reporting and social media.  Ever

Bittersweet Goodbye: Gravina’s Last Days at BHS

By Paige Johnson Gary Gravina, a beloved math teacher, spent his last month Branford High School recapping and reminiscing over his time and accomplishments before he said his final goodbye last month.  Gravina has been a pleasurable tribute at BHS for almost 30 years now, being involved in a variety of communities within the school such as horizons, the math department and athletics. He has

BHS Junior Ella Kelly seen here performing a recitation of the poem "Insomnia" as part of the school's Poetry Out Loud competition in January. Kelly has advanced to the state competition at the Bushnell in Hartford.

Junior Ella Kelly to Compete in the Poetry Out Loud State Championship

Staff reports After a year on the sidelines, Branford High School is back in the state Poetry Out Loud competition, represented by junior Ella Kelly, who has reached the state final. Ella will recite her three poems live at the state finals at Hartford’s Bushnell Theater on March 11. After a very close school championship, Ella Kelly submitted her three recitation videos to the regional

What is a Trivia Fundraiser to Benefit BHS?

By Sam Harwin It’s been a long and tough pandemic these past few years. So it’s time to get out of the house and participate in the Home Restaurant free trivia night on Tuesday, February 28. The night is being organized by Branford High School’s Junior and Sophomore classes. Proceeds from the night will raise money in order to help improve the school. Everyone is