Author: Branford Buzz

Opinion: BHS Should Treat E-Cigs as Tobacco

By Shilpa Rajbahak The trend of smoking cigarettes is back with a new look. It’s not that regular old cigarette that releases smoke or needs to be lit up anymore. With growing electronics in this era of technology, even cigarettes have caught up. Like most other electronics, the use of e-cigarettes or “e-cig” has grown in the United State. “The Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association

Image Problems: Teens and Their Bodies

By Angela Pascale Every year, millions of people in the United States are affected by serious and sometimes life-threatening eating disorders. According to experts, more than 90 percent of those affected are adolescent and young adult women. Many young adults are faced with being pressured to have the perfect body and personality. These pressures can lead to many disorders like depression, anorexia, etc. In cases

School Tightens Rules on Electronic Cigarettes

By Sabrina Stemm Branford High School’s administration has set in place new, stricter guidelines in regards to the use of Electronic Cigarettes, a popular new device that allows users to smoke without using tobacco. Possession of an electronic cigarette is equal to the possession of any other tobacco product according to BHS’s revised tobacco policy.The consequences a student receives depend upon the number of offenses.

Hornets Winter Sports Hopeful for Competitive Season

  By Ryan Connell Winter is in full swing, and so are all of the Hornet’s sports teams. The boys and girls indoor track teams have had a few races and already have had numerous states qualifiers. According to some of the members on the team, they say that the team is looking as strong as ever before. They look to repeat as SCC West

Depression Another Possible Side Effect of Head Injuries

Editor’s note: This is the second of a two-part series on concussions and student athletes at Branford High School. Part one of the series can be found here. By Kyle Kenney BHS student Adam Gallagher suffered a severe concussion at the end of his freshman year football season from a helmet to helmet hit that put him out of commission for two weeks. The injury

Testing Helps School Stay Ahead of Concussions

Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part series on concussions and student athletes at Branford High School. By Maria Quagliano According to CNN, “A new study from the National Academy of Sciences finds that high school athletes remain at risk for concussions — and may be their own worst enemies.” Within high school sports kids are more willing to do anything to get

The Coffee Race Heats Up: Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts

By Carlye Mazzucco Editor’s note: Senior Carlye Mazzucco has some strong feelings about which local coffee chain serves up the best cup of joe. She shares her opinions with The Buzz readers here. “I’ll have a triple mocha dark chocolate double caramel frappe please.” People in line for coffee usually hear a similar phrase in many chain coffee shops. But, which chain coffee shop holds

Tweet: The Sound Of College Rejection

By Shradha Shrestha College is far from Shelby Oliveri’s mind since she is only a sophomore, so she doesn’t hesitate when it comes to posting private matters online. However, this may be an issue in near future since colleges are starting to look for more than an applicant’s academic skills. December is the time when many seniors submit their final applications to colleges, and, according

New Laws Aim to Curb Teen Distracted Driving

By Angela Pascale Many BHS students obtain a driver’s license. Along with all the other distractions a cell phone may bring, now there’s one more thing for teenage drivers to worry about – new laws aimed at teens are becoming stricter for cell phone use. A new Connecticut law states that 16- and 17-year-olds may not use any kind of cell phone while driving, including

Dancing With the Staff: Champion Chen

By Sam Bailey-Loomis Buzz Editor Tonight, in the BHS auditorium, students from all grades, teachers of all subjects, students from other schools, and others in the Branford community all came together to observe the well-known spectacle of Dancing with the Staff. Teachers included in tonight’s competition for the winning title were Miss Kordek, Mr. Hernandez, Mr. Park, Dr. Chen, Mr. Collins, Dr. Knickelbein (a.k.a. “DK”),