Author: Branford Buzz

App of the Month: Smashy Road

Editor’s note: The following is part of a regular feature in The Buzz spotlighting a new or interesting app, album or other media offering. By Iris Youn Smashy Road: Wanted This app is developed by Remco Kortenoever. It is currently the number one free app in the App Store. It is a fun game that can take your driving to a different level. The objective

Branford Mourns Tragic Death of ’14 BHS Grad

By Matilda Kreider Today the Branford High School community mourns the loss of one of our own. Vitalya “Tally” Sepot, a member of the BHS Class of 2014, was killed in a one-car accident in Pennsylvania Sunday afternoon. The accident occurred while she and six other members of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity were returning to Pennsylvania State University after

Return of Pep Rally Rouses Crowd

By Matilda Kreider The fall sports season got off to a rousing start Friday with a school-wide pep rally. Reinstated this year after a brief hiatus last spring, this fall pep rally was a little different than those of past years. It took place in the gym and included athletes tossing BHS T-shirts to the crowd, and it was required by the administration that skits

Top 5 Fun Reads For the Summer

By Meghan Cusack Summer has finally arrived and there are plenty activities for any student to partake in this summer. Believe it or not, there are books out there that are actually fun to read. Whether you may enjoy escaping into a magical world or staying close to reality, there is something for you. Here are my top five suggestions for this summer: Throne of

Another Successful Winter Sports Season at BHS

By Buzz Sports Staff The 2014-2015 Winter Sports season has been an extremely successful one for Branford High School. There has been a lot to be excited about from The Dance team, to the Boys Track team, to Wrestling, to Boys and Girls hockey. The Dance team snagged a pair of CIAC State Titles in Hip-Hop and Jazz in the Small School division. They advanced

New Model UN Club Competes in First Debate

By Jackson Mariotti On March 7th, the Branford Model United Nations Club participated in their first ever conference. Ten Branford students went to Hopkins High School and spent the day debating international issues. It was a promising showing for the club which was established this year by sophomore Spencer Mariotti. There were three committees, the Committee for Indigenous Rights in the States of America, the

Athletes Making Video to Promote Sportsmanship

By Damien Maniscalco and Mike White School officials recently came together to raise awareness about sportsmanship throughout high schools in the area. Sportsmanship is an aspiration that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one’s competitors. Branford High School wants to show students how they express and demonstrate it, said

What is BHS Doing to Help Students Succeed?

By Madeleine Mattson and Rebecca Criscuolo Branford High School has several programs and opportunities to make sure its students succeed. What is Branford High doing to help its students? “A lot,” according to Principal Lee Panagoulias. Students should get help if they need it, whether it involves a psychological, academic, medical or college related problem but how do you obtain it when you don’t know

The Buzz on The Buzz

By Jennifer Giri and Claire Paterson If you’re reading this, you must know that The Buzz is the current BHS student newspaper. But it wasn’t always called The Buzz, and it certainly wasn’t always the way it is today. First, and most obviously, our paper used to be just that – a paper. We used to have a physical newspaper that would run every so

Teens and Social Media: Some Warnings To Heed

By Rebecca Mancini and Briana Linehan In the moment, teens usually don’t think about the possible repercussions of inappropriate social media posts. Assistant Principal Joseph Briganti said that the administration is kept up to date with these kinds of posts because, “the entire community of Branford has access to the internet. Things get to us. Anonymous people call or even leave notes.” Here at BHS