Author: Branford Buzz

15 Must-Watch Classic Holiday Movies

By Matilda Kreider Everyone knows Elf, Home Alone, and The Polar Express. Here are fifteen beloved older movies you may not know as well. 15. Mister. Magoo’s Christmas Carol (1962) This animated TV version of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” features the character Mr. Magoo as a Ebenezer Scrooge-type who doesn’t believe in Christmas. 14. The Little Drummer Boy (1968) Using the stop-motion style made famous by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, this 25-minute

A Fun Friday: Winter Pep Rally and Holiday Celebration

By Matilda Kreider Our last full week before winter break ended with a fun-filled sendoff this Friday. In the morning, winter sports teams entertained the crowd with skits and dances. The girls indoor track team started off with a dance and some candy thrown to the crowd, which was well-received. The boys team followed with an elaborate reenactment of a Star Wars battle – very appropriate on

Degoursey (Noah) and Kirby Named 2015 Snowco King and Queen

By Matilda Kreider This year’s race for Snow-coming royalty included a not-so-fierce battle between brothers for the title of king and a near-sweep by the cross country team for the title of queen. Members of the senior class were nominated by their senior classmates during advisory last week; the four boys and four girls with the most votes became princes and princesses. The Snowco court consisted of

More Than Just English Extra Credit: Why You Should See “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

By Cara Delucia As you may or may not know, a small section of the BHS Performing Arts department will be putting on William Shakespeare’s classic comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” this week. This is not to be confused with the department’s spring musical, a separate production that is put on around the end of March, which I encourage you all to see as well. As someone who

Fall Sports Wrap Up; Heading Into the Winter Season

By Matilda Kreider This Thursday marked the official end of the fall sports season, with the football team taking an exciting 10-7 home victory over East Haven in the 74th annual Thanksgiving Day Beehive Bowl. With this win, the team kept East Haven from qualifying for the state tournament and now leads the series 38-32-4 all-time. Most other fall sports wrapped up in late October

Op-Ed: “Snowcoming” 2015: Moving Beyond Sexism in Sadie Hawkins

By Claira Janover Let’s talk Homecoming. This year’s third annual Sadie Hawkins’s “Girls Ask Guys” themed homecoming, or “Snowcoming” is set for December 11. This Sadie Hawkins’s themed dance has gained popularity thanks to Student Council, which began the tradition with the first Sadie’s homecoming in 2013. It’s also popular because it’s been a way for girls to turn upside down the gender-specific tradition of boys asking girls.

BHS Students Stuffing the Principal’s Office Again

By Meghan Cusack Students at BHS are bringing in large amounts of cans and other nonperishable food items into the principal’s office. It’s the time of year for Stuff the Principal’s office. This year also comes with another twist: BHS is having a friendly competition with Guilford High School and Daniel Hand High School. How did this friendly competition come about? According to Principal Lee

Stories of Life and War: What Veterans Needed to Say and Students Needed to Hear

By Matilda Kreider While most Connecticut high school students were sleeping in, BHS students got the opportunity to “experience history firsthand” as BHS history teacher and Gulf War veteran Dave Gruendel put it. That was the central message for many of the speakers, including senior Romero Wells and BHS Spanish teacher and Afghanistan veteran Andres Wullaert, at Wednesday’s 18th annual Veterans Appreciation Day assembly. As

18th Annual Veterans Appreciation Day at BHS

By Danni Dunlop Branford High School students and faculty gathered together for the 18th Annual Veterans Appreciation Day yesterday morning to honor those who served and fought for the country. Principal of BHS, Lee Panagoulias, started off the ceremony saying “As a school community, we take the time to reflect and appreciate the dedicated veterans who risked their lives and that are committed to the

New Start for Ms. Robertson at BHS

By Danni Dunlop This school year at Branford high school we also have a new face in our English department, Ms. Sara Robertson. Like Ms. Loesche and Mr. Smith, she started teaching at BHS this year. As a student, she attended North Branford High School and University of Connecticut.  She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and education and also a masters in education. She