Author: Branford Buzz

Less Socialization in School Taking its Toll

By Sushant Kunwar Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many schools have had to change their learning models to ensure all students’ and faculty members’ safety. Branford High School is among the multiple schools in America that assumed the hybrid learning model to start the 2020/2021 school year. This transition has brought up questions regarding students’ mental health. Teenagers, who are proven to be the most

Unique Challenges Await New BHS Athletic Director

By Grahm Reynolds Recently, BHS welcomed a new member into the Hornet family – new Athletic Director Mr. Thomas Ermini. Becoming the new athletic director in the middle of a national pandemic, Ermini has some ideas about what to do to help BHS during this time. Prior to becoming our Athletic Director, Ermini worked since 2017 at Walsh Intermediate School where he was a physical

BHS Working Through the Challenges of Hybrid Learning

Many of those in the BHS school community – students, parents, faculty – say that hybrid learning is the best possible model of learning for the situation we find ourselves in. Under hybrid learning, students are separated into two cohorts – orang and blue. Each cohort attends in person two days a week and remotely two days a week. Wednesdays are set aside for all remote classes.

A Letter to the Teachers and Administration of Branford Public Schools

Dear teachers, administrators and staff of BPS, Let me preface this letter by stating how appreciative the students who chose to return to school are for the immense work you’ve all put into our reopening. However, it seems that the perspective of the students has been forgotten and quite frankly overlooked. Connecticut alone has reopened over 250 schools all over the state along with their

2020-2021 School Year: To be or not to be, that is the question

By Bo Yun V. Brainerd As the start of the new school year approaches, parents, students and teachers must beg the question once again, health or education? Why must one choose? What does the future entail? For my child? For myself?  Branford Public Schools finally released their online and in-person learning plan for students, dividing them into two separate cohorts, Orange and Blue. However, as


OPINION – Liberty and Justice for All? The Fight for Equality within the Classroom

OPINION By Bo Yun V. Brainerd After the surge of Black Lives Matter marches and anti-racist mobilizations, including here in Branford, protestors have denounced the numerous social, cultural and historical beliefs this country thrives on. Unlearning this myth of American innocence and prosperity must begin within the classroom. However, are Americans truly prepared to be held accountable? Are schools?  Following the SAFER Branford Protest that

The March to Equality: Branford’s Youth-led Protest

By Bo Yun V. Brainerd More than 100 anti-racism activists protested Sunday in front of Branford High School, providing a platform for the Black, Indigenous and other people of color communities. Marchers were concerned about the systemic racism they say Americans live through, education being one of them.  Organized by SAFER Branford and CT Against Brutality, who are composed of hundreds of young adults and

Parting Thoughts to the Notorious Class of 2020

Dear Class of 2020, What if you knew which day was going to be your last? Would you do anything differently? Maybe, you would eat your favorite foods, and stay up with your friends all night. Maybe, you would laugh with your family, and watch an iconic Branford sunset. Maybe. Would you think about all the little things that make up your life? I know

HORNETS SPORTS WRAP-COVID-19 Outbreak Causes Cancellation of Spring Sports and Winter Sports Tournaments

By Sophia Esposito The Corona Virus outbreak cancelled winter sports tournaments many Hornets hoped to win, and due to the cancellation of the 2019-2020 school year, the spring sports season has been cancelled also. In early March, many of our winter sports teams hoped to bring home their titles to the Hornets. Many of our teams had prospered throughout their seasons, anticipating wins to come