Author: Branford Buzz

News in Review: The Top News Stories at BHS Last School Year

During last school year The Branford Buzz covered a variety of important and interesting news events from the Branford High School community. A lot happened that is worthy of news coverage. With a new school year underway, the staff of the Buzz is excited to continue serving as the online news source of the Branford High School community. The new school year also provides an

Five Pieces of Advice To Newest 9th Graders From The Upper Classmen

High school can be a stressful and challenging time in a teenager’s life. But it doesn’t have to be, according to many upperclassmen who have experienced the typical ups and downs of life here at Branford High School. The four years of high school can bring about significant change in our perspectives. With that in mind, at the end of last school year, The Branford

The Year’s Final Post: Reflecting On Our Time at BHS

By Grahm Reynolds and Sushant Kunwar It’s been an eventful four years at Branford High School: we started as young freshmen who were told to be wary of the seniors and walk fast in the halls and now, we write this as seniors who did our best not to scare the freshman. We still walk fast though.  The students of the class of 2022 faced

Members of Ms. Pamela Castro's last class of interns pose outside the community garden on campus recently after finishing up the intern requirements. Castro is retiring at the end of this school year.

The Final Placement: Castro Retiring

By Lauren Dombrowski Career Specialist Pamela Castro is retiring at the end of this school year after being at Branford High School since 2008.  At BHS, Castro has been in the career center, but she has also been in charge of BPS Mentor Program, BPS Monarch Initiative, and BHS Senior Internship Program as the Community Outreach Coordinator,and the school’s Pre-apprentice Program started last year. Before

The lingering impact of COVID-19 and other distractions has been difficult for students this year. Photo Illustration: Kyle Givner

It’s More than Just a Virus: Impact Felt Across BHS

By Michael Farricielli, Kyle Givner and Dylan Torre Throughout the last couple of years the students at Branford High School have had an anything but easy time adjusting, from schedule changes, season cancellations, and classroom disruptions thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and staff have seen many changes with student behavior and actions in the last school year. They said the pandemic has greatly affected

New Screens Appear In The Student Center

By Grahm Reynolds and Sushant Kunwar Branford High has several new additions in the student center: multiple big screens that now seem to gaze over the commons. Broadcasting the weather, announcements, or just a background scene such as a beach or a fireplace, every student and faculty member in the school has a clear view of these massive screens throughout the day. But why are