By Owen Lentner
Whether it be for graduation requirements or just trying to help out your community, volunteering is widely regarded as the most rewarding activity, not only to you but your community.
Along with helping those in need, volunteering is also a great way to stand out on applications. In addition, one of the graduation requirements at BHS is to complete 40 hours of community service.
One way to line up a volunteer experience is at the upcoming volunteer fair at Branford High School with 20 non-profit organizations in attendance.
All students are invited to attend the fair being held Feb. 14 from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Library Learning Commons.
The organizer of the event, Tina Valaouras, who heads the BHS Career Pathways Center, said students can learn about some valuabel opportunities from the fair. She said the following local organizations will be in attendance.
– Alex, Inc.
– BHcare, Inc.
– Branford Garden Club and Living Wisely and Well
– Clifford Beers Community Care Center
– Community Dining Room
– CT Institute for Refugee & Immigrants (CIRI)
– East Shore District Health Department
– Friends of Outer Island
– James Blackstone Memorial Library
– New Haven Reads
– Read To Grow
– Rev. Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Heritage Foundation
– Shoreline Arts Alliance
– Shoreline Greenway Trail
– Shoreline Village CT
– Soundview Family YMCA
– Stony Creek Farmers Market
– The Connecticut Hospice
– The Legacy Theatre
– The Shoreline Trolley Museum
“Beyond personal growth, volunteering strengthens communities by supporting those in need, driving positive change, and inspiring others to get involved. Together, these efforts create a more compassionate, connected, and thriving community,” Valaouras said.
A non-profit not in attendance, but special mention open to all new volunteers is “Raise the Roof,” a Habitat for Humanity organization that works alongside families to help them build and own safe and affordable homes. Habitat families take responsibility for 400 hours of building their own homes. Along with a weekly building crew, volunteers are welcome to come and assist in the builds, usually in New Haven. Whether it be hammering in nails, tiling bathroom floors, or painting walls, every volunteer makes a big dent in the build, giving a family the change at a better life in the Elm City.
“Raise the Roof, is a community of people who believe in the power of helping one another … We believe when we help one another, we can build better and more beautifully in the world,” said Donna Gregory, Board President of Raise the Roof.
For more information on Raise the Roof, follow this LINK or email “contactus@raisetheroofct.org” – no experience necessary.
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