Main Street Reconstruction Displaces Graduation

By Aziley Crespo

Big changes are coming to downtown Branford and it’s going to affect Branford High’s graduation ceremony this June. 

A planned reconstruction of the town’s downtown area has prompted school officials to move this year’s graduation ceremony to the Branford High School athletic complex rather than holding it on the Green, where it traditionally takes place.

Principal Lee Panagoulias announced the change to graduation in an email to all students and parents last month. 

“This site [at Branford High School] will allow all family and community members to attend, providing the needed space for parking,” Panagoulias wrote. “Giving us access to the video, sound, and streaming capabilities of Branford High School. We will continue to work so that this year’s ceremony will have the ‘community’ feel we all know and love.”

Graduation is planned for June 11.

Originally the downtown reconstruction was scheduled for 2020 but, due to lack of funding, it was moved to spring of 2025. Branford intends for the project to enhance the connectivity of the streets and sidewalks in the area and promote public safety by still considering the town’s historical context.

“This project will increase pedestrian safety and enhance elements that maintain the community’s character,” said Kevin Ortiz, an engineer for the project.” Sidewalks will be installed on the southwest parking spots to prevent pedestrians from walking behind cars when coming to Town Hall.”

According to plans filed with Branford Town Hall, other improvements include: 

  • Upgrading roadways and replacing uneven sidewalks and crosswalks.
  • Reconstructing existing streetscapes like outdoor dining spaces, bicycle parking and lighting upgrades.
  • Updating stormwater runoff for the use of improving the water quality and reducing flooding.
  • Improving accessibility and mobility to ensure the safety of pedestrians and compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act.

The preliminary plans can be found on the Town’s Planning Department website.

“The green will be upgraded and refreshed.” Ortiz said. “A new sidewalk connection along the Green will allow for better pedestrian movement, upgraded sidewalks will eliminate all tripping hazards and the raised crosswalk from the Green to Town Hall will reduce vehicle speeds, allowing for a safer pedestrian crossing.”

Branford Green’s reconstruction will still be in progress when the annual high school graduation ceremony is scheduled to take place, which means this change will need some adjusting for the graduating seniors.

While many anticipated graduation to occur at the green, the change affects BHS students.

“I feel conflicted about it.” Says high school senior Karma Do. “[Having it at the high school] is not as big to fit as many people that I want there, like it is at the green. I’m not particularly happy about it.”

What do you think about the changes to this year’s graduation? Let us know in the comments here or in one of our social media platforms. @bhsbuzz on Instagram or The Branford Buzz Facebook page.

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