New volunteering opportunities come to BHS
A volunteer and community service fair will be held at BHS Friday.
At BHS, students need 40 hours to graduate and Friday’s event is an opportunity to line up some volunteer work.
Latest news from the Branford High School community and a public forum for student expression
A volunteer and community service fair will be held at BHS Friday.
At BHS, students need 40 hours to graduate and Friday’s event is an opportunity to line up some volunteer work.
Branford High is offering eight new courses to students who are beginning this week to register for classes for next school year.
The new courses, which were recently adopted by the Board of Education, will “open many doors for our students.”
The latest ssue of Calliope, BHS’s magazine of student writing and artwork, is in the building, and you can get your own copy from Mr. Matthiessen in room F14 for just $1.
A MLK Day speaker is coming to BHS this Monday. Come witness Dr. Stewart’s empowering speech and enjoy breakfast from the “Cooking for a Cause Club.”
Big changes are coming to downtown Branford and it’s going to affect Branford High’s graduation ceremony this June.
The Branford High School community is rallying to support teacher Michelle Raszcewski, who is battling cancer. A fundraising concert is scheduled…