BHS Preparing for the annual Homecoming

By Owen Lentner

Homecoming at Branford High School usually has a large turnout of students. Last year, the student commons was filled. All students are invited, along with out-of-town guests.

Scheduled for right before Thanksgiving, BHS Homecoming will be held this Friday with the theme “Fairy Tale,” according to the Student Council, which organizes the event.

“The homecoming dance is the most attended dance of the year,” said Sal Zarra, the teacher advisor to the Student Council. “Last year we sold 567 tickets to the dance and the music was provided by Mr. Mike Martone. Pizza and drinks were provided free of charge and a good time was had by all attendees.”

Over the years, the Homecoming Dance and the spirit week leading up to it have been a tradition at BHS and even survived the COVID pandemic, when the dance was held outside under a tent.

On Friday, the doors open at 7 pm and the dance ends at 10 pm. Tickets are on sale now during lunch waves in the Cafeteria at $10 per student. They will be sold until Nov. 20 The dance will be held in the BHS Student Commons. The event will feature music by DJ Mike Martone, pizza, drinks, and snacks. Attire is up to the students, but the suggested dress is semi-formal.

Homecoming 2023, student conga line

If you are planning on bringing a friend from another town, please fill out the form linked here or you can find the form in an email sent by the admins last week. The form must be submitted at least one week prior to the event. All out-of-town guests are required to have a photo ID upon entry of the venue. If you are bringing a friend from out-of-town, you are limited to one person at max.

Homecoming 2023