By Kaelyn Denison
Branford High School has recently partnered with ADL, the Connecticut Anti-Defamation League, to commit to a new program called ‘No Place For Hate’ to provide an inclusive and safe environment in the school.
At Branford High School, the ‘No Place For Hate’ is a committee who dedicate their time into preventing hate from going any further in schools and to stop it all together. They have partnered up with ADL to commit to this program.
The committee is made up of students, administrators, teachers and even family members to come together and develop long-term solutions to create and maintain a safe, inclusive, and equitable climate for all.
As of right now they are only in the planning stage and hope to have more concrete plans for next year. So far, it’s been acknowledged that HIVE will have something to do with it. But, right now not much is known about what’s going to be done.
Mr. Lee Panagoulias, the principal of Branford High School, had said he put the committee together this year. “We actually began to explore the possibility for the ‘No Place for Hate’ Initiative last year to support our district goals of creating a positive learning environment that is responsive and respectful of the needs of very student.”
Panagoulias said he wants to “create a school where all students thrive by building a learning community of inclusivity, respect and equity.”
Students on the committee were also interviewed to see their input and reasons for joining this committee, and also their standpoint on what has been done so far.
Kaley Fitch, a junior said why she joined. “I joined to make a difference in our school,” she said.
While also mentioning the plan for next year, Fitch said “We had our meetings and plan to use HIVE next year to push it more.”
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