Branford Making Plans to Returns to In-Person Learning

By Grahm Reynolds and Sushant Kunwar

On February 24, the Branford Board of Education held a meeting in which many parents, students, and teachers voiced their concerns regarding the hybrid learning model. The general consensus among those who spoke at the meeting was that a swift return to full in-person learning would be best for not only the students, but the Branford Public Schools community as a whole.

“Disgusted by lack of communication, lack of information about what’s going to happen to our students,” said one concerned parent at the meeting. “If [a return to in person schooling] is not done this board is unfit and appropriate action will be taken, including a vote of no confidence in the superintendent” said another. 

Clearly, opinions such as these had an effect; as in the following week, on March 3, the Board of Education had another meeting, in which Superintendent Hamlet Hernandez introduced a plan for opening the schools back up for full in-person learning. In his presentation, Hernandez identified April 19 for when full in-person instruction would begin. 

“We wanted to ensure the health and safety of not only students, but [also] of staff,” said Hernandez, regarding the thinking behind starting a hybrid learning model this school year. “That was really really important. We needed teachers and support staff to be in school with the students.”

Hernandez noted that these values, among others such as equity and sustainability of the learning, still play a crucial role with the returning to full in-person instruction in the near future 

Going back to in person school will undoubtedly be a challenge. As it currently stands, Branford has a positivity rate (4.3%) almost double that of the state (2.9%). In the district, there are 417 fully virtual students, 1592 hybrid students, and 392 students full in person students. The question remains, how does Branford get all those students in person safely?

The Board of Education plans on using March as a transition month: phase one of a two phase plan. In March, students will start going to school in person on Wednesdays, by cohorts. In the Elementary schools, it starts with a three hour day on March 10th. WIS and BHS both have full days, on March 24th and March 31st respectively. As more and more teachers get vaccinated, the path towards a safe in person learning environment grows wider and easier to reach. 

Phase two entails a return to full in-person learning on April 19. This means that students will be allowed to participate in full in-person learning, for five days a week. The Board of Education plans to utilize Wednesdays as full days for all grade levels. Students can still opt to be in the virtual learning model, but the Hybrid model will no longer be an option. 

Buses will also be affected by the return to in person learning, as the number of students on the bus will effectively be doubled. This means less space on the bus, and an increased need for awareness and safety for students traveling to and from school. 

The plan presented in this meeting is still contingent on Branford’s performance, in terms of Covid-19 cases, in the following weeks. A spike in the already high positivity rate for Branford can put this plan to rest before it even goes into effect. 

There are still lots of questions surrounding the reopening plan, but the Board of Education hopes to answer them in the following weeks.

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