Month: May 2019

Today’s Teens – the Most Isolated Generation?

By Emma Gallagher It is exhausting to always feel rushed. Like you have so much to do but not enough time to get it done. There are countless distractions, whether they are merely things that are there to distract, or it is actual work that needs to get done. Constantly feeling torn about whether to pick up a phone, start doing homework, or go out

College Admission Scandal Highlights Academic Achievement Gap

By Brooke O’Leary Our world revolves around money. In most societies and cultures, wealthy people are granted more opportunities and power. That keeps their circles small. In an effort to grant equal opportunity most developed countries provide access to education. However, it appears that the education system has been plagued by the drastic difference in the quality of education that wealthy children are receiving compared

Students Walk Out to Protest Inaction on Climate Change

By Celia Shanley On March 15, between 20 and 30 Branford High School students walked out of school to protest inaction against Climate Change. Simultaneously, 1.6 million students in over 120 countries across the globe participated in the Climate Strike. As part of the group of BHS students involved with the walk out, I walked towards the green with purpose that day. I was unaware