2018-2019 School Year: Possible new schedule to take place

By Danni Dunlop

Have you ever wondered what each school day would be like if it were run on a block schedule? Branford High School students might just find out in a couple of years.

Block schedules replace the typical 8 daily class periods with longer class periods that meet fewer times each day and week.

The Academic Standards Committee, a group of teachers, parents and students, voted on a certain block schedule that will be implemented for the 2018-2019 school year.  Mr. Hamilton Hernandez, a social studies teacher at BHS, said that they had voted on the Hybrid schedule.

The Hybrid schedule is a combination of the normal schedule we have now with the block schedule.  Each school week will contain 3 normal schedule days along with 2 block schedule days.  Students will attend four 90-minute class periods on the block days rather than eight 46-minute class periods.

When I talked to some students about the possible schedule change, a lot of them didn’t like the idea of it while the minority didn’t mind it.

“Personally, it really doesn’t bother me that much of the changes that are being made, but I do prefer the 8 periods with the shorter time because I feel like I get a lot done in one day,” Nicole Evans, ’20, said.  “Something about moving from class to class every 45 minutes or so keeps me up.”

Students complained that they could barely stay focused for the full  56-minute class periods we have now; they feel as though they’d lose their head sitting in the same seat for over an hour.

What are your thoughts on the block schedule?  Give us your input in the comments or tweet us @BranfordBuzz.

Below is what a sample hybrid block schedule might look like at BHS in two years.

Modified Block Schedule

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