Student Council Picnic Returns This Year

By Meghan Cusack After the three-year hiatus, the Student Council picnic – or “Salapalooza” – will be returning to Branford High School this Friday. For those who are not aware of what “Salapalooza” is, it is an end of the year picnic run by Student Council. The picnic consists of games, obstacle courses, and of course, food. The event started back in 1997 by Student Council member, Scott Merrick, with the help of the council’s advisor, Mr. Sal Zarra. It was originally a picnic during an extended lunch period that transformed into a large scale event that included an extended menu and, at one point, softball games. The picnic went on every year until 2013. It was cancelled then because administration said they were unable to properly supervise it. This year, Student Council has made it a priority to bring back the picnic. Through fundraising efforts, such as the compatibility surveys, they have been able to raise the funds necessary to put on this function. Salapalooza, which is also called the Student Council picnic, will take place Friday, June 3. It will be held during the school day for a 70 minute lunch period. The event will include a 65 foot obstacle course, lawn games, such as: frisbee, washers, corn hole, etc. For food, watermelon will be provided by Lenny’s and the Italian ice from Libby’s; along with that, there will be cold beverages provided as well. Mr. Sal Zarra said that “[he is] happy to bring back this event which is enjoyable for the faculty and the students and contributes to a more caring community. You can never spend enough time or share enough love with the people you care about.” The school community is interested to see that Mr. Sal Zarra said that “[he is] happy to bring back this event which is enjoyable for the faculty and the students and contributes to a more caring community. You can never spend enough time or share enough love with the people you care about.” The school community is interested to see that The school community is interested to see that Salapalooza is coming back. The underclassmen have never experienced this event until this coming Friday.Maddie Oberempt, a sophomore, said that she “think[s] it will be fun, but just wishes that it was longer.” Salapalooza should be a great experience for all the members of the school community as they all celebrate together one last time before the conclusion of the school year. Maddie Oberempt, a sophomore, said that she “think[s] it will be fun, but just wishes that it was longer.” Salapalooza should be a great experience for all the members of the school community as they all celebrate together one last time before the conclusion of the school year. What do you think about the return of the Student Council Picnic? Let us know in the comments or via Twitter @branfordbuzz.

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