Another Republican Municipal Sweep for Branford

By Claira Janover November 3rd marked the annual municipal election, and this year a mixture of voter apathy, incumbent advantage, and name recognition played in favor of the Republican Party a second year in a row. Republican incumbent James B. Cosgrove was re-elected by a 65% margin Branford’s First Selectman. His running mate Joseph E. Higgins was reelected as Second Selectman. Additionally, newcomer Jack Ahern, a Democrat, was elected as the Third Selectman. For First Selectmen, Cosgrove received 4,303 votes and his opponent Mark Rabinowitz, a Democrat, received 2,654 votes. Jacey Wyatt, an independent, received 99 votes. In the Second Selectmen race Higgins received 3,739 votes and his opponent Ahern received 3,076 votes. Cosgrove swept six out of Branford’s seven districts; District 2, Stony Creek, was the sole district who favored Rabinowitz. The municipal elections also consisted of election for: First Selectman, Selectman, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Tax Collector, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeals, Board of Assessment Appeals, Constable, and RTM representatives for each of Branford’s 7 districts. The RTM continued its Republican majority with 19 Republican members and 11 Democratic members elected. The three Republican’s running for the Board of Education were also elected. When I asked volunteers for both Cosgrove’s and Rabinowitz’s campaign, they agreed that the results of this election would impact the city’s trajectory. Considering Cosgrove’s reelection, hopefully Branford will see some of the positive changes or actions that Cosgrove advocated during his campaign, they said. One of the more controversial issues within the Branford community has been the approval of a Costco being built off exit 56. Cosgrove even took up the slogan, “Want Costco? Vote Cosgrove!” And while Cosgrove does not have an official political website, he did articulate on his Facebook page that with his reelection he would advocate for “better schools,” “an improved Senior Center,” and “A new Public Works Building and responsible budgets.” A disappointed Rabinowitz spoke in an interview aired on BCTV Branford Community Television, “I gave it my all. I gave 150%. It is all we can do. You do your best and I gave it my best. Democracy rules.” Cosgrove announced on BCTV Branford Community Television that he is hopeful for what his new term has in store. In his acceptance speech he announced enthusiastically, “I thought the last election was the greatest night I had, but this night tops it because we were judged on our record.”
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