Expect security at BHS to be extra tight in wake of the school shooting in Newtown last month. Photo by Hunter Carden.By Justin Julianelle
In the wake of the Newtown tragedy, food is no longer allowed to be delivered in part of all Branford Public Schools reviewing their procedures and protocols.
Effective the first day back from winter break, the school no longer allows food to be delivered from places such as The Hornets’ Nest Deli and P & M Fine Food Delicatessen.
Lee Panagoulias, Principal at Branford High, said the main reason for the delivery ban is because “it was requiring our school to utilize support staff and security to manage this process. This had a direct impact on security and the learning environment,” he said.
The food delivery ban only applies to private businesses delivering food. Mr. Panagoulias said the reason parents and others are allowed in to make deliveries is because it doesn’t cause a disruption to the school day. The security and staff are required to manage the food process, Panagoulias said.
To prevent things like the Newtown tragedy in Branford, the school officials are reviewing all security procedures and protocols in the school buildings. School officials are also discussing whether or not hire more security guards.
All of this is happening due to the tragedy that occurred on December 15th at Sandy Hook Elementary School where 26 people were killed by an armed gunman who shot his way into the school.
The Newtown tragedy has had an impact on students at Branford High. BHS students, such as Senior Andy Klarman, have responded by hosting a toy drive at the High School before a recent basketball game. Also, other students have pitched in their own way by signing a banner and wearing green in honor of the victims and their families.