BHS is using a four-day midterm schedule, rather than a five-day schedule this year, eliminating time for make up exams. Midterms start Friday, Jan. 25. Photo by Hunter Carden.By Hunter Carden
Changes in the mid-term schedule might have high school students a little worried as the week of mid-terms quickly approach.
Instead of the original five day schedule, the mid-terms are now crammed into four days. Under the new schedule, the make up exam time was removed from the last day. Now the period one and two exams are given on the same day.
The Administration team decided to change the schedule to this current four day exam week. However, according to Mr. Panagoulias, the new schedule will have little effect. “Teachers still have the same amount of time to assess the mid-term exams. This is due to the fact that we missed so many days due to the fall storm,” continued Mr. Panagoulias “our second semester would have started in February.”
Without make up days, however, students are concerned that they will not have a time to be able to make missed exams, though some are optimistic that this schedule will work as planned.
“I think that the teachers will work with you on when you can make it up,” said senior Dominique Izzo “I’d only be worried on when you would have the two hours to make it up.”
But Mr. Panagoulious has assured students that “opportunities after the noon dismissal on exam days will be more than enough time to make up any missed exams.”