Teachers on Twitter?

by Vinny Roca  As we move into the digital area, many aspects of life are becoming less tangible and becoming  posts on our newsfeed or messages in our e-mail; and Branford high school is no exception.  Through social networking sites, blogs and other tools on the information highway, teachers are getting information out to their students at home. Many teachers have been using the internet for multiple years now and have seen the benefits. Wikis, simple websites, have been created by many teachers at our school including Mr. Miller and Mrs. Lippolis. The websites are great ways to share links to helpful videos or websites, post worksheets to save papers, or post vocabulary words. Other teachers use more advanced sites to communicate their lessons. Mrs. Baker for example has been using a blog website since 2006. Baker uses the blog to open the classroom to the homes of her students. Baker said, “ I use it as a way to encourage all students to share their thoughts and comments.” Mrs. Baker noted that the online aspect has been beneficial to student, “I find that it increases participation, especially from students who are hesitant to share their thoughts in class discussion.” What seems to be the most creative idea so far by teachers in terms of entering the digital world, has been teachers recent efforts to connect with students to where they are on online the most, social networking sites. Twitter has become more than just a place of gossip for students at BHS; teachers such as Mr. Bouley and Mr. Gagliargi are using it for communication.They constantly update there feeds to update students on things such as test dates and homework reminders.  Students now have an opportunity to get their homework where they receive all of their other information. One of Mr. Gagliardi’s students, Chase Fowler, told the Buzz that, “The twitter makes things easier, I check what my Spanish homework was, right after reading some Will Ferrell Parody tweets.” The Twitter also has a fun side to it, in which students have attempted to make #elmundo a trend. Facebook has also been a source for information by teachers. Mrs. Okamoto in particular has set up multiple Facebook pages to assist her students; one where students can help each other and another where she post updates to remind students about important due dates. Alex Muniz, an AP Chemistry students said, “The Facebook page has saved me a few times, reminding me about assignments I forgot to do.” The internet has become a second classroom for the teachers at BHS. And, as the results show, there has been much success within the BHS community.

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