Year: 2011

Want to Help the Hungry? Wear Argyle!

by Meglin Bodner On November 18, make sure to wear any argyle clothing you own. Not sure what it is? Argyle is a diamond-shaped pattern of two or more colors. Everyone who wears argyle clothing on Friday is doing a great deed. Putting $1 into one of the donation boxes for wearing argyle allows the Branford Soup Kitchen to feed those who are hungry. There

Jersey Shore or Just Jersey?

Many students are now conflicted between the resent change in Spirit week attire for Thursday November 17th.  The posters all say Jersey SHORE, but the announcements are saying JERSEYS.  And what seemed like just a typo, is now the new truth.  According to a Facebook Post by Student Council member Kailey Hassan-Wolff in the group SPIRIT WEEK!!, she says,”dress up day tomorrow has been CHANGED from jersey shore

From Spirit Week to Homecoming Week

By Jacquelin Salg Events Editor Spirit Week at BHS is underway. It all begins Wednesday and lasts until Friday, when it will be capped off by the annual BHS Homecoming Dance. at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5.  When asked about the dance, junior Pompeo Mazzella said, “I’m looking forward to the first dance of the year and I think everyone should go and have a

Spirit Week 2011

Trying to find school spirit at BHS is like trying to figure out the ending to the final season of LOST; right near impossible! But fortunately for us we now have a whole week dedicated to trying to bring back some pep to this school.  Spirit week starts on Wednesday November 16th and ends on the 23rd and consists of the following: Wednesday November 16th:

Homecoming Schedule

Friday, Nov. 18 Homecoming Dance 7pm -10pm $5.00 Admission Bring Your Student ID Wednesday, Nov. 23 12:06     School Dismissal 12:06     Booths Open For Business          East Entrance to school 12:30     Powder Puff Football                    25 min halves On Turf (Over By 1:15 pm) 1:30         Student Faculty Volleyball        New Gym Rally Scoring to 25

Open Grade Book, The Inside Scoop!

by Vinny Roca News Editor The 2011 school year is a new beginning in terms of communication between home and school. For the first time parents and students will have access to the grade books of teachers, allowing for constant knowledge of items such as grades, attendance and upcoming assignments. Having access to these constant updates in grades, once only known by teachers, is stirring

Beyonce at BHS!?!

When the dance team held their first ever ‘Lip-syncing with the Staff,’ the teachers of Branford High School took to the stage to show off their star potential. Teachers and students preformed to popular songs by their favorite artists. Ms. Baker, Ms. Service, and Ms. Saur took home the gold with their killer performance of Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies.’ Also among the top rated were Ms.

Welcome Mr. Thomas!

by Alexandra Augustak and Nina Mariotti With the school year now in full swing, Richard Thomas has come to know and love Branford High School. He transferred here at the start of the year after teaching at Meriden High School.  When asked about comparing BHS to his old school, Mr. Thomas exclaimed that he’s much happier here. “The students and teachers are so easy to