

by Merissa Blitz


The Branford Community knows John Steady for his work with the yearbook pictures and taking pictures at sport’s events but not everyone may know about his most recent project. Steady created a webpage that has all kinds of information on all of the Branford Sports and, of course, includes many photos. The site will cover topics such as high school sports, youth sports, former athletes who are in college, the history of Branford Sports and much more. Steady writes a lot of the articles himself with the help of others. Mr. Miller, the head of the English department at school, will be writing a sports column every two weeks that covers awards, banquets, jv sports, freshman sports, and much more.


Before the site was up, Steady had been putting up promotional videos which were watched by over 1000 people within the first two days. “I have received many great emails from people who are excited for it to actually start,” says Steady prior to the beginning of the site.


What was Steady’s inspiration for the site? He says, “Over the past two years, sports coverage has gotten very bad. I started writing for newspapers back while I was a student at Branford High School in 1988; back then almost every game and every sport was covered on a weekly basis. That has changed for the worse over the past few years so I started to think of a way to fix it and this is what I came up with.”

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